Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Thank you for your referrals!

Because of YOUR referrals, Esteem has had a great increase of prospective students who are already convinced we ARE THE BEST and are eager to learn from the best!  We just want to THANK YOU for continuing to spread the word by REFERRING us.

Our students really are the best because of YOU.  They come to us knowing they are getting the best education possible and are completely committed to their education.  They have a sense of respect for others which is so refreshing.  This makes teaching much more rewarding when students value their education and are respectful and kind to others.

Because of our small student body, we get pretty cozy with one another and you often hear laughter echoing in the school.  I love hearing the sound of laughter outside my office door, it's important to me that our students are enjoying themselves.  We truly believe at Esteem that it should be fun and fun it is.  As the manager, I had always dreamed of a cosmetology school with this kind of an environment.  As cheesy as this may sound it's the truth.  And I'm proud to be a part of it.

We really do have it all.  A fabulously talented owner, Darci Brown, who genuinely cares about each of her students and mentors.  She takes time out of her busy schedule to teach our students that latest techniques.   I, myself, under the direction of Darci, do my very best to create an environment where everyone is continually learning and continues to feel valued.  But this is only possible because of our great mentors.  Our mentors take teaching very seriously and have a strong desire to help others succeed.

This all would not be possible if YOU were not sending us such fabulous individuals.  The most rewarding AND difficult part of our job as mentors is watching our students grow and develop into fabulous stylist and eventually spread their wings and take off on their own.  It is a beautiful process.  We become attached to our students and saying goodbye is always bittersweet.

Together we have built a great reputation.  Our students and their employers are recognizing that Esteem Students are heads above other schools (no pun intended).

So, once again we need to say Thank You.  Thank you for referring us. Thank you for trusting us. And, most of all Thank You for believing in us!

With sincere appreciation,

Jenny Kraaima, Campus Manager

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